We help our patients create and follow a plan to achieve their unique health and wellness goals.



  • Short visits

  • Symptom focused

  • Clinical setting

  • Standardized care

  • Compartmentalization of physical health as separate from emotional health

  • Computer & data focused

  • Medication-based treatments

Transforming health care by putting you first with: 

  • Detailed visits in a warm and comfortable setting

  • Personalized bluprint plan 

  • Team based approach assessing all unique aspects of your life: lifestyle habits, beliefs, mental health, energy anatomy, diet, medical history, specialized testing 

  • Ability to track your progress to monitor your personal gains 

  • Partnering with you to create your personalized plan to achieve optimal health and wellness 


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60% of adults have at least one chronic condition that would be modifiable or reversible with proper care. 

At bluprint, we work with you to create and follow a wellness plan tailored to your unique lifestyle for successful and long lasting results. By building a strong healthy foundation, we partner with you to prevent and reverse the progression of chronic conditions so you can live longer and live better. 

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What Our Patients Are Saying

Dr. LeRoy is a warm, wise, effective healer. She has helped me rebuild and nourish my relationship to my body and its care in way I’ve needed for 20 years. I used to dread the doctor and dodge checkups - now once a month doesn’t feel like enough! I feel like I finally have a long-term ally in caring for myself.
— Becca Braren, Executive & Mother of Four
Thanks to Dr. Leroy, I now think of my wellness like a garden. Where I used to ignore it until some element was struggling… now I attend to it daily, nurturing and watering to prevent issues and observing changes that may require attention before they turn into issues. It is a whole new approach and perspective. And the results are measurably better than my previous care.
— Maureen Fink, Garden Guru


At bluprint, “u” are the focus of your healthcare. Finally.